See last year's entry info for more information on categories, etc. This is 2022's information and not current. However, it will give you an idea of the entry process.
All broadcast, cable, broadband, cable/community/government access and video content providers (not close circuit or venue specific) located within the following Designated Market Areas (DMAs):
Chicago, Peoria-Bloomington and Rockford; Indiana Market: South Bend-Elkhart
Green Bay-Appleton, Madison, Milwaukee, and Wausau-Rhinelander
The content must be originally produced and intended for the Chicago/Midwest Chapter’s regional or local audience during the eligibility period of June 1, 2022 to May 31, 2023.
For more information, please write
· 6-line Congratulations Message in the Book (approx. 20 words) |
· 3-line Congratulations Message in the Book (approx. 40 words) |